What do an Oscar Worthy Actress and Vibram 5 Fingers Have in Common?

They both put comfort and health above style! I'll never forget the day I first saw those hideous shoes. My soul sista Siddiqi Ray and I were prepping for a trip to Africa and considering shoesies. I happened across an awkwardly funny blog post by Dave Romane(the slightly creepy and majorly hilarious yoga teacher/coach) about said shoes. I burst out laughing and immediately sent the picture of the shoes to Sid for her approval.

They're kinda similar to what the Masai in Kenya wear. For reals.


The next day I saw a dude at Whole Foods sporting them. I followed him around and snapped a pic with my phone. I was ridiculing him in my head.


Gradually, I saw more and more (mostly dudes) wearing the offensive shoes. Remember, I may be quite crunchy and into health, but I also display my favorite high heels in a mirrored cabinet in my living room. I could not imagine a woman wearing them.


Until my friend Leslie bought a couple pairs. One blue and one pink. Hmmm...in colors they might be a possibility (bleh to black and grey).


And now that I've discovered the Primal Lifestyle (way of eating and exercising that is really healthy and also promotes the 5 finger shoes), I'm starting to come around. The only reason I haven't purchased said shoes yet is because I haven't yet made it to REI for a fit session.*


They're so ubiquitous now that even a fledgling starlet sported these puppies on the red blue carpet to a Golden Globes after party.

Shailene Woodley was already cool because she was pretty phenomenal in The Descendants. But now she thumbs her nose at Hollywood mores and wears the ugliest shoes on the planet to a party and made sure they were photographed? Love her.




* You will not see me wearing these at the gym. The gym is where I satisfy my egoic need to get checked out. These shoes would ruin all chance of that. Instead, I will wear them to go tromp around the woods and perhaps run.