Mullets, Humidity and the Recipe for Good Hair Days

I come from a family of good hair. My grandaddy (age 87) has a full head of white hair. My mom (even though she complains about it) is growing grey naturally and looks fantastic.And let's not forget my little brother Charlie, whose flowing locks made the best. Mullet. Ever.


So it is no surprise that I have good hair. It's fine, full of body, slightly wavy, holds curl, looks good in humidity and cooperates with most anything I want to do with it (with the exception of superhot straightening irons).


It's so good I make myself sick.


That being said, I have a great hairdresser who is a whiz with color (Cathy Roller at her salon in the Fan in Richmond- Blackbird) and don't blow dry often.


And, when it comes to product, I have one major recommendation. Stick with this brand and you pretty much can't go wrong.


It's called Davines. It's from Italy and it's eco friendly. What could be better?


Oh Davines how I love thee, let me count the ways. My love affair with their products actually began in Italy circa 2006. At the time I was all about Aveda. (I can't take the signature Aveda scent. Not to mention the fact that Aveda is hardly good for you or the environment. Look up sell out in the dictionary and Aveda is there.)


So there I was in Italy and (surprise surprise) ran into a bunch of well-coifed Americans at an Irish pub in Florence. Americans at Irish pubs in Florence are not unusual. What was unusual was one chick's gorgeous platinum blonde hair and the myriad gay dudes. They were there for a hair conference! And they were raving about some new product line that kicked Aveda's ass! Only it was unavailable in the US! Until further notice!


(They were so excited that they all spoke in exclamation points!)


I stalked Davines til it came to the States a few years later (outside of major metro areas). And shampoo was like $45. For reals????


But now, dear hair-challenged friends, it is available on Amazon. At amazing prices. Here is what I buy, and why. Keep in mind: my hair is fine, with a medium amount of curl. It's also on the dry side because I color it.




So there you have it. I also use an amazing shine serum from Davines but can't find it online anywhere. I will get back to you on that. RUN. GO. ORDER SOME DAVINES. Your hair will thank you. Then grow a mullet. I love them.