Currently Obsessed With: Yogaglo

So I've been teaching yoga for about 8 years.* And I live in NYC, arguably the mecca of world class yoga. I have roughly 15 studios within a FOUR BLOCK RADIUS. Yet, I can't seem to make myself leave my apartment to go do yoga.

Here's the main reason: a phenomenal product called Yogaglo.**

I've been using it and telling everyone I know about it for months. But it seems really underground. How can no one know about this?????

You see, Yogaglo makes it possible for you to stay in your house and take amazing yoga classes of all kinds with some of the best teachers on the planet. All for just $18 (or so) per month.

My favorites are:

Elena Brower. She teaches slow flow with an Anusara back bone (though she's no longer officially affiliated with it) that also challenges your mind space. I call her "the coach's yoga teacher" because she's increasingly bringing in challenging questions and reflections to echo what you're up to with your body. It's a great way to integrate. I go to her class in person in NYC as frequently as I can. She also has some mad creative sequencing.

Jo Tastula. This Aussie transplanted to LA is amazing. Her presence is calming and warm. Her flows are fun and her voice is just so soothing. She's a vinyasa teacher and instructs at a level that is both accesible and challenging without being gratuitously hard. Love her mini-meditations too.

Felicia Tomasko. Here's the thing: I started out (teaching and learning) challenging, sweaty power vinyasa. When I happened upon Felicia's classes, I was searching for something to help my immunity during a healing crisis. I didn't even think what she was doing was real yoga (I wasn't even sweating). But through the past five months, I've been coming back to her flows more and more. Turns out that yin yoga (where you hold the same pose for five minutes without using your muscles really- so the opposite of Iyengar) is the hardest yoga I've done in my life. Which means it's prolly good for me.

So, if you're a busy biz owner (and I think you might be), then I highly recommend Yogaglo. It's my favesies.

And, just to seed this with you guys: I really miss teaching (and haven't taught since I've been in NYC) so Ima start putting flows on youtube for you peeps. Yeah!

If you wanna try out some of my mad teaching skills, then please join us for the Virtual Retreat next Friday...we'll def do a tad bit o yoga :)


Can't wait. In the meantime, use Yogaglo.