TGIM! (Thank God It's Monday!) and my goals tracker for the next 3 months!

Yes, that is correct. Sometimes I really like Mondays because...I get to work more! Hahahaha I know a bunch of you are like WTF? This chick is cray-cray. (That means crazy, people.)

But no, really, I'm not.

#1. I get to wake up at any old time. Lately I've been hitting 8 am and later. This is highly unusual for me, esp given the fact that I tend to go to bed around 10:30. Whatevs. I must be having a growth spurt or something. My other theory is that perhaps I am actually accomplishing things in my sleep. You know: ideas, visualizations. Might as well use that 9 hours for something productive besides just detoxing and repairing my body...


#2. After weekends (like this most recent one especially as it was devoted to two holidays- one being my bday and the other the resurrection of Christ- good stuff) where my activities are centered more around family/friends and errands and home stuff or TAXES, by the end of the weekend I am really antsy to produce something. To write or to make a video or otherwise get my business game up.

It's like I go through withdrawal from work. And then need to get my hit. Which is why I often work on weekends. Because I love it.


#3. Monday mornings set the tone for the week. And since I've been so introspective lately, I thought I would share with you what is on my goals board in the coming 90 days.

















Here's what you DON'T see:

* Specific dollar amount goals (No "I must make $20k in the next thirty days.)

* Unreasonable goals (Notice I'm only aiming to do 4 hours of yoga in the entire month. Totes doable.)

* A lot of the goals simply require that I spend specific amounts of time doing specific business-related tasks (like pitching press, looking for speaking gigs, and interacting with purpose on social media). If I do those things well, the money will follow.

One of the main reasons that I made this list is that these are the things that are important to me that sometimes get subsumed by the urgent/unimportant. For example: it's important to me to practice yoga, meditation and to have a morning prayer/quiet time. Now that that routine is literally on my calendar for each day, nothing else (no random emails, no early meetings) can take its place. Similarly, I am aiming for 25 days of a pretty healthy primal/paleo type diet. Not so much because I want to look hot (ok a little bit bc I want to look hot) but because I love the energy I get with that way of eating. And I feel so much better from a gut standpoint (no more tummy aches!).


And another one: the vast amounts of writing/blog time on there? Truly just because I love it. And because I'm sick of reading OPB (Other People's Blogs) and thinking "I could do that," somewhat petulantly.


I do not like regret. So I don't want to have none.


One last piece of the goals I want to point out: sending out three ships. I cribbed this from Angela Jia Kim over at (am going to Women Entrepreneurs Rock the World in about 2 weeks too. You could come!). She calls it "sending out three ships" because you don't really know when/if/with what they'll come back. The point is to do it.


So examples of the three ships?

* Newsletters

* Networking emails

* Pitches of any kind

* Biz card follow ups

* Invitations to events

* A "hey how ya doin" note


All of these things count. And the point, for me, is to do three per day. Easy peasy.

Stay tuned- I'll tell you how I keep track of my progress too.