Meet Orange Crush, the Sofa with his own Fan Page

Oh yes, these pix are from my phone. As soon as I find my camera battery pack charger will post better ones.

(Hopefully said charger is not a casualty of the move.) Regardless, you can still enjoy the amazing-ness that is Orange Crush from afar. (Or, as his nearest and dearest call him, the OC.) And if you're lucky, I'll invite you to sit on him or, better yet, sleep on him one day soon!

Here's the story of how the OC came into my life:

The year was 2009. I had just moved my little business into a real, live office courtesy of the gents at I also moved my old sofa- a black rattan laquer thing with white cushions who never quite got along with me and my friends- into said office. So he was promoted (banished?) to the shared workspace in downtown Richmond.

That left a gaping hole where once there had been a sofa.

And the hunt was on...

With a limited budget and a longstanding dream of owning a turquoise blue suede Chesterfield, I half-heartedly stopped into furniture stores and checked online. Listlessly I thumbed through the neutral-strewn pages of Pottery Barn and Crate & Barrel. A stickler for quality (I'm from NC people- the furniture capital of the world!) and for price, I wasn't sure that I'd find what I was looking for. Still, I thought, my dreams WILL come true.

Grazie to the freelance lifestyle and certainly taking a page from my mother's book (she the road warrior sales rep who knows the floor plan and hours of every secondhand furniture store in the state of North Carolina), I began to pop into the thrift stores and resale shops around town.

One fateful day I strolled into the Hermitage Road Salvation Army where the staff are quite possibly the kindest EVER. Sitting in all its glory, having just been rescued from plastic after 30 (40?) years sat my beloved Orange Crush.

The heavens opened. Light rained down. The Hallelujah Chorus played.

For reality was even BETTER than my dreams. Here in front of me sat an ORANGE CRUSHED VELVET CHESTERFIELD SECTIONAL SOFA.

I did a dance. The staff danced with me. $250 later, he was mine.

Two and a half blissful years later, I must admit that we're still hopelessly in love. We did go through a rocky patch during which we split up briefly. I took off to DC and Ohio while the OC got a little place at Public Storage in Midlothian.

But we weren't meant to be apart for long.

Finally, reunited here at the Dream Loft, we have picked up like nothing ever happened. He doesn't talk much about the horrors of the non-climate controlled storage unit, but I know that it's all in the past.

And in our future?

Naps, cuddling, color block pillows and a Pierre Frey faux fur throw. Oh yes, and plenty of parties and overnight guests. (He can sleep 2 comfortably, foot to foot!)

And that, my friends, is the story of Orange Crush.

You can fan him here.
